Getting divorced is never easy, but there are options to make the process less emotionally exhausting and expensive than litigation. Divorce mediation is an alternative to the traditional divorce process that takes place in the Probate and Family Court. Mediation a non-adversarial process where clients make their own decisions based upon the information and facilitation provided by a neutral mediator.
Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process which either party is able to terminate at any point. Our mediators, although attorneys, do not represent either party and do not take sides but rather assist in identifying issues, facilitating dialogue, and exploring various solutions to develop a settlement that will be mutually acceptable to both parties.
Our mediators can assist in the completion of the court financial statements (and child support guidelines, if applicable) and ensure there is an open exchange of information between the parties to reach a fair and equitable resolution. Once the parties reach an agreement, we will draft your separation agreement for submission to court.
At the Law Offices of Murphy & Murphy, P.C. you get two for the price of one. Our mediations are conducted by two mediators. Having two mediators greatly improves the process and generally leads to fast and fair resolutions. We find that parties in this type of dual mediation come out feeling that they were treated fairly, and their issues were addressed.