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Downey Youth Baseball League in Crisis

Posted by Sean Murphy | Nov 16, 2020 | 0 Comments

We represent Downey Youth Baseball on a Pro Bono basis in this matter. In June 2020, James Medeiros resigned as Downey President. Subsequently, the new President and Treasurer reviewed the Downey Youth Baseball bank records and discovered several accounting discrepancies. On October 19, 2020, after a preliminary investigation, The Law Offices of Sean M. Murphy, P.C., on behalf of Downey Youth Baseball, Inc. filed a civil action in Brockton Superior Court against James Medeiros. This alleged theft has caused a significant financial hardship to the league. It is unfortunate for this type of thing to happen to anyone, let alone to kids. Please help these kids out by sharing and donating to their Go Fund Me page. The Law Offices of Sean M. Murphy, P.C. has agreed cover all litigation costs and any donations made will go directly to the league to help rebuild for the upcoming season.

Massachusetts Lawmakers Pass Ridesharing Bill

Posted by Sean Murphy | Aug 02, 2016 | 0 Comments

Massachusetts now requires Uber driver to carry higher insurance policies to protect personal injury victims. Massachusetts lawmakers over the weekend passed a bill regulating transportation network companies, or ridesharing firms like Uber and Lyft, that includes Source: Massachusetts La...

Time for Spring Cleaning – Estate Planning

Posted by Sean Murphy | Apr 28, 2016 | 0 Comments

Spring is a not only a good time to clean, organize and get rid of unnecessary clutter. It is also a good time to update your important documents and information. Estate planning documents and banking information need to be updated on a regular basis. Here are five important updates you should ma...

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